Corpus Christi Parish's

2024-25 Religious Education Program

for 1st - 8th Grades is continuing after the fires.

Everyone is in our prayers as we adjust to this new reality.


Sessions are now being held at St. Monica Parish in Santa Monica from 4-5 p.m. following the regular 2024-25 calendar (see below).

Our sessions are held in the Trepp Center, which is located on the school playground.


Sessions will continue on Zoom as per the regular schedule. 

(See calendar link below for dates/topics).

Our upcoming parent Zooms are from 7-8 p.m. on:

Thursday, March 6

Thursday, April 3

Thursday, May 8

We now have access to the books online.  

Email for the links.

Any families displaced who would like to switch from in-person classes to the online "A Family of Faith" program are most welcome.  Just email to let us know.

 First Reconciliation will be March 8 at 11 a.m. 

First Communion will be May 17th at 2 p.m.  

Both will take place at St. Monica.

May God bless your family, our parish, our community, and all affected by the fires.  We are here for you.


Description of Programs

Families may choose one of two options.

Successful completion of requirements

for either option counts as one year of

Religious Education preparation for First Communion.



"A Family of Faith"

A Family Catechesis parent-led

at-home program.

Required monthly 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. parent Zoom meetings

from September 19, 2024 through May 8, 2025.

(See flier below.)



Religious Education On-Site Classes

with children attending in-person sessions

Monday afternoons from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m.

from September 23, 2024 through May 19, 2025.

(Please do not schedule your child for other activities on Monday afternoons.

Full participation is needed each class day.  Thank you.)

(See flier below.)

Print Registration Packet below.

Enroll today!

Click here for:


Click here for:

MONDAY In-Class Religious Ed Calendar

"A FAMILY OF FAITH" Parent Zoom Meeting Calendar

Is God calling you to teach Religious Education classes?

Answer that call!

Contact us for more information.

(See contact info below.)

Pope Francis speaks to parents:

"Transmit the faith by example, by words,

by teaching your children to make the Sign of the Cross.

This is important."

"The important thing is to transmit the faith with your life of faith:

that they see the love of the spouses,

that they see the peace of the house,

that they see that Jesus is there."

Jane Young

Director of Religious Education

Religious Education Program

(310) 454-1328, Ext. 226

(213) 815-9822 (cell)