Corpus Christi Altar Servers

The Corpus Christi Altar Server program is an opportunity for our young parishioners to be an important part of the celebration of Mass. Instruction is offered once a year in the Spring and is open to any student in our parish community, in the fifth grade or higher.

Participants are required to serve 15-20 Masses a year. There are also opportunities to serve weddings, funerals, memorial Masses, and other special occasions.

There are three schedules throughout the year. The Fall and Spring schedules are created by randomly assigning all dates. The Summer schedule is open for sign-ups so vacation plans can be taken into consideration.

Every server is responsible for getting a substitute if they can't serve.

If you are looking for the current Altar Server schedule, please click here.

For training, pleasecontact Jacqueline Pack, (310) 560-1051.


Click for the Altar Server Schedule