Sacraments Baptism: Sunday afternoon by
appt. Annointing of the sick:
On request. Please call the office early in serious
illness Marriage:
By arrangement 6 months in advance
Christi Office P. O. Box 25699
Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone:
(310) 454-1328
Recover - Rebuild
My Dear Parishioners,
I hope that, slowly but surely, you are all finding a place to stay and family and friends to share this long journey back from the devastation of the fires. I love seeing those of you who can join us at our weekly Masses in different parishes, and I sorely miss those of you who are no longer in the area and are not able to be with us in person. You are not forgotten, and I keep you all in my prayers. Please remember that our loving God walks with you always.
For this coming Sunday, I invite you to celebrate the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 23, at the Religious Education Congress Closing Liturgy at 3:30 p.m. The Mass, presided by Archbishop José Gomez, is in the Anaheim Convention Center Arena. Admission to the Mass is free. We would be worshiping with thousands of fellow local, national, and international Catholics.
The theme of this year’s Congress is “Called to Compassion.” I’m truly humbled by how much compassion from so many around the world has been bestowed on our parish as we strive to rebuild.
The Archdiocese would like Corpus Christi parishioners to bring up the gifts of bread and wine at this Mass. If you would like to represent our parish, please contact Will Salvini at
For more information on Congress weekend, go to
Siempre Adelante!
Monsignor Liam Kidney
I would like your ideas on how we can share the Gospel message during these troubled times.
I would love your opinion and input.
What are your opinions of what we can do to share the Gospel?
Is there anything we can do for you, Brothers and Sisters, in our community?
Do you have any suggestions for our website?
Please complete the form below and submit it to us. You do not have to provide your name and email address. It is optional.
WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP REPORT for Sunday Total Stewardship $
Prior Year Total $
Weekly Budget $
Percentage of budget met:
If you are able, we hope you will continue contributing to help support the important work that we all do as a parish. We have some options: If you visit our webpage: you can CLICK HERE TO GIVE or you may set up an electronic recurring payment by clicking on: DIRECT DEBIT ONLINE GIVING. You may also mail your envelope to Corpus Christi Church, 880 Toyopa Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
As always, our priests are available to anoint those who are very ill and to bury the dead. Please call the parish office, 310-454-1328, and you will be directed to our emergency pager number.