My Dear Parishioners,
For much of America, Christmas itself arrives as an afterthought, not the fulfillment, but only the end of the long Yule season that has burned without stop since the stores began their Christmas sales.
These days, by the time Christmas rolls around, it feels as though we’ve had Christmas every day, at least since Thanksgiving.
The anticipatory elements reach a crescendo by early December, and their constant scream makes the sudden quiet of Christmas Day almost a relief from the Christmas season.
It is this that the Season of Advent, rightly kept, would prevent the thing, in fact, it is designed to halt.
Advent is really a discipline: a way of forming anticipation and channeling it toward its goal. There’s a flicker of rose on the third Sunday – Gaudete!Then its back to the dark purple that is the mark of the season.
And what those somber vestments symbolize is the deeply penitential design of Advent. Nothing we can do earns us the gift of Christmas, any more than Lent earns us Easter.
But a season of contrition and sacrifice prepares us to understand and feel something about just how great the gift is when at least the day itself arrives.
Through all the preparatory readings, through all the genealogical Jesse trees, the somber candles on the wreaths, the vigils, and the hymns, Advent keeps Christmas on Christmas Day: a fulfillment, a perfection of what had gone before. I shall see Him, but not now: I shall behold Him, but not nigh.
Siempre Adelante!
Monsignor Liam Kidney
I would like your ideas on how we can share the Gospel message during these troubled times.
I would love your opinion and input.
What are your opinions of what we can do to share the Gospel?
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Total Stewardship $20,590
Prior Year Total $15,9729
Weekly Budget $31,550
Percentage of budget met: 66% |
If you are able, we hope you will continue contributing to help support the important work that we all do as a parish. We have some options: If you visit our webpage: corpuschristichurch.com you can CLICK HERE TO GIVE or you may set up an electronic recurring payment by clicking on: DIRECT DEBIT ONLINE GIVING. You may also mail your envelope to Corpus Christi Church, 880 Toyopa Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
You are invited to come into the church to light votive candles at our Blessed Mother shrine for your own intentions, or in memory of your loved ones.
A lovely way to remember a deceased loved one, a recently deceased friend, parent of a friend, or relative, or someone who is ill, or perhaps just a friend you would like to honor, is to have a Mass said for them. Each day and weekend a Mass is offered in memory of a deceased person, or for the intentions of someone who is ill, or perhaps whose birthday is that day.
If you would like to have a Mass said for someone, you can contact the parish office at 310-454-1328, come in person, or email jane@corpuschristichurch.com with the name of the person, if they are deceased or living, and if you are requesting a specific date. Please note that the annual Mass book fills up quickly, and often specific dates are booked well in advance. You can pick up a card to send to the person or their family so they will know when the Mass is being said, and that you are thinking of them. We can also mail the card for you. We would love to honor your request, so give us a call!
As always, our priests are available to anoint those who are very ill and to bury the dead. Please call the parish office, 310-454-1328, and you will be directed to our emergency pager number.
God Bless You All and Keep You Well!
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